Let me start by saying I am not a writer. My spelling is horrible and I leave out words all the time. Why am I creating a blog?  In hopes to improve my writing skills, sure that would be awesome.  but in reality I think I have a lot of value to add to the world.  That is right....It is a personal opinion, one you may or may not agree with.

Let's start with a brief introduction.  I am not going to share my life story but just some key things about myself.  I think the rest will unfold within the blog as time moves on. 

About me: 44 yo Female living in the North East of the US. I am a bodyworker, an online wellness coach and studying for my personal training certificate .  I love to lift weights, cook, eat, be social and be alone, and I am a natural Professional Bodybuilder within the WNBF.  I am always looking to improve and be the best version of myself so I am always seeking self awareness and a positive mindset.  

Now I need you to keep coming back.  I want you to subscribe to my blog so I need something good to write about today.

Lets talk habits.  What daily habits do you have that make you successful?  

-Making my bed

-Working out

-Wishing people kindness

-Listening to educational/motivation/inspirational books on tape while eating.

Will this make you come back for more?  Probably not.  But I will leave you with a funny story about myself as a child and maybe this will leave you wanting more.

My brothers played little league baseball and we would go to the games.  It is common in baseball to yell, "good eye, good eye", when a batter would not swing at a "bad' ball. Well I did not hear this correctly and would started yelling "one eye, one eye".  And to this day my family will remind me of this and we all pee our pants every time we recall this story. 
